28 agosto 2009
Thing 23 cont.
Thing 23
What I see this meaning for me is a way to utilize tools that are out to create a more engaging educational experience for my students. It means that I have moved into the 21st century and that I can hopefully reach more students inside the walls of my classroom and outside our school space. That I think is the best part of all of this. I finally feel like I may be able to get the majority of students doing 'work' outside of class without it being an activity handout. I'm very excited about that!
I plan to seek out video (I've found some already) and podcasts that I can use in class. I also plan to have my fourth year students participate in blogging with me. It will probably only be during second semester, but I would like to get a feel for how this can work with students and I think they will be a good test group. I am also going to make at least one slideshare for each semester. That is really all I'm going to commit to at this point and it will probably be plenty as I get started.
I've already spoken with one of the tech support teachers in our building and I plan to work with her at least once a month. I would like to share with her what I've learned and see if she can add any thing else to it or just discuss possibilities in classroom. Working more closely with our tech supports and our media specialist are two ways I plan to continue learning 2.o tools, but mostly I plan to just keep exploring. I hope to be able to participate in blogs that will share information about 2.o tools and become more involved in the educational community that I have entered this summer.
Again, THANKS!
Thing 22
I see the main difference between blogs and wikis as being that a wiki is meant as a space for collaborative work that needs regular updating. A blog seems more to me like a space for conversation. I know that there are many uses for each that I don't understand fully or may not even be aware at this point, but that is how I am distinguishing between them for now. I would determine which is appropriate by what it is that I want to accomplish. If I simply want to hear comments from students in my classroom and maintain a dialogue with them outside of class I think the blog would be appropriate. However, if I want them to develop content for our class I would choose the wiki.
The wiki takes time to set up and I as I stated in Thing 21, I really need to have a better idea of how I would use the wiki for my classroom. I've only started the wiki and it needs structure. Of course, I'm not entirely sure about the structure because I don't have a real plan for its use. Also, when I'm looking at the saved product I see all this text that was there to get started, will that always be there? And I have ads on the right side of my wiki and I thought the video said that I indicated it was educational use, it wouldn't have ads. Well, I plan to play with my wiki more tonight.
Thing 21
I would like to use a wiki in my classes for things like lesson summaries, study guides or vocabulary study. I think it would be great if the students had to prepare and edit this content for themselves to use.
The first hurdle I think of considering setting up a wiki for my classes is I need to know more about what I'm doing and I need to define my role on the wiki. Then I need to better understand how the students could benefit from this what they can actually do on it. Also, I would really need to think about what their role is too. I also think that how the wiki should be structured is an important piece because if you create something that isn't easy to navegate, then it would be pretty useless. I don't know at this point if you could change the structure as you go or if it needs to be in place initially. Obviously, I would also be concerned about the editing that could happen on a wiki.
The main hurdles here seem to be my lack of knowledge. I don't how much this would really help my students or what our real use could be for a wiki. Therefore I don't know if it is really worth it for me to take the time to put this into action for my students. Also, I don't have a real idea of how much time would be spent monitoring the wiki for the open editing it allows. For now, I will try to make a wiki and sleep on it.
Thing 20
I subscribed to SpanishPod101.com. The couple of lessons I listened to were conversations between several people and then a translation of the dialogue in parts. I liked the speaking and clarity of the cast. I was not able to use iTunes because I am not on my computer and I don't know how to access my iTunes from another computer. I used Google Reader and I think this might be better for reviewing the feeds because I have more things in my Google account and will go there more often. I suppose if I want to work with at school, it won't be a problem either because I can access Google Reader there, but not iTunes.
Well, I think there are a lot of possibilities here for impoving my teaching and providing more quality content to my classroom. However, how in the world are you suppose to search and monitor all of these podcasts, blogs, and newsfeeds? I feel more confident in my abilities with technology that is out there, but I also feel more overwhelmed than ever thinking about how I will become proficient in these tools on top of keeping up with it all.
Thing 19
NPR: Cuba Holds Allure as US Tourist Destination
English Idioms and Slang: Cut to the chase
Mike Flanagan: Reform from the Classroom Level
The podcasts from NPR could certainly be a tool in working with current events with my students. I have worked with articles before to some degree of success, but I do think that students would be more interested in short podcasts that can lead us into discussion rather than reading an article all the time. I also would like to receive those feeds because then I can keep myself up on current events!
The other podcasts I found interesting do not necessarily work for me in the classroom, but Mike Flanagan's podcasts might allow me to go to staff meetings and Association meetings better informed and with more perspective. This I think is important if I am going to be a channel of positive change that is greatly needed in our school.
Searching for podcasts that will work for me and my students in the classroom is something I need some practice with. I also would love to come up with ways that my students can make podcasts as a way of presenting learned language. A question I have is what is the difference between a YouTube video and a podcast??? They seem like the same thing to me.
Thing 18 cont.
Thing 18
27 agosto 2009
Thing 15
I think the advantages of using RSS are that I can find the blogs and news feeds that I want to read quickly and in one spot. I also think I will be able to made aware of new information that may be out there without having to go searching on the internet.
I don't check my feeds regularly...it is certainly not a habit. I'm not sure if it is wise for it to be a habit due to the amount of time I can spend when I do check the feeds. I have gotten better at not thinking I need to read every post that is making through the feed, but I do find myself reading a lot when I'm checking.
26 agosto 2009
Thing 14
I enjoyed using Delicious and I have several bookmarks to date and I know I will be back on it soon. It's a great way to save time with searches using this online source. I think it will be really helpful to me in organizing my online sources. The use of the tags is great! I'm really getting used to using the tags and that I think is really important for managing the source once it is added. I certainly want to use tags that can take me to specific websites for student activities.
I do think that Delicious will enhance productivity, however it is has so much to view and consider that I will have to monitor how much time I spend searching and how I can refine my search methods.
I did have some problems bookmarking on Delicious. I was able to copy/paste URL in order to save and I was able to save bookmarks from Delicious search results. I was not able to save bookmarks using the Tag button on the tool bar I installed when I registered. I do want to use the Tag button so if you have any suggestions on what the problem/solution could be I would appreciate it:)
25 agosto 2009
Thing 13
Choosing the correct or most useful tags seems to be the difficult piece here and I suspect I will need to practice this more to really make it a time saving technique. I liked the 13 Tips provided, I will certainly be reviewing that when working with Delicious. Thanks!
Organization, a variety of available sources, and less time wasted are clearly advantages of the use of tags on social bookmarking sites. Also, much like blogs, it seems like you can begin to follow users that you trust and identify with when identifying useful classroom sources. The ability to access bookmarks on different computers is also a huge advantage and will help me save time at work.
I certainly think it is important to choose tags carefully for this to truly benefit the user. I will certainly be looking at how I can best identify sources for myself and other users. Are other users able to change tags you have given? And/or can other users add on tags to sources you tag? It also seems that there is still some sorting necessary and this just always seems to be the time consuming piece which is a disadvantage throughout the year. However, it seems that social bookmarking offers many possibilities and will be a useful tool when navegating the internet.
23 agosto 2009
Thing 12
I belong to Facebook and this summer I really began to use Facebook. I joined Facebook almost three years ago and it took me a long time to start using it. I do think that Facebook, MySpace, and other social networking sites can be the biggest time suckers out there. I generally only visit my Facebook site once a day because I find myself doing a lot of unnecessary activities. Sometimes I'm tempted to take a quiz, post pics or videos (now), update my GoodReads and Cities I've Traveled to, etc. I do find it relaxing to take about 30 minutes and 'play' on my page, see what's new, and comment or send messages. I do like the aspect of being able to keep up with large numbers of people.
I believe that relationships formed face-to-face are more meaningful than those formed on social networking sites. Although there are many ways to express yourself to others and you are getting feedback from them I think there is something more human in the natural volley of face to face conversation. I think facial expressions are better than emocons. (I'm not sure if that is the right word, but, you know those smiley face things.) However, I know that I'm better able to maintain the relationships that I formed before Facebook on Facebook.
I think social networking sites are very popular with students today because it is essentially like talking on the phone and teenagers like to talk on the phone. Of course all the 'apps' out there lead them to 'playing' on these sites (just like me). I do become disturbed when I see students sitting in a classroom after school just texting and not interacting with those present at all. That really strikes me as odd and disappointing because I do think there are many missed opportunities for face to face dialogue that our students are missing because they spend so much time social networking.
22 agosto 2009
Thing 11
The articles given were good. It seems a lot like common sense, but certainly helpful to have to review at times. I really liked getting a couple of comments on my blog. It made me feel like there was more purpose in what I'm doing here. It also confirmed that you really can develop a community of learners this way. I'm really starting to see more possibilities for using a blog with my students. I am still not entirely comfortable leaving comments on someone else's blog, but I don't dislike it. I mentioned this in an earlier post, but this Thing reminds me of a couple of people I know that follow a blog and they all speak of specific people that follow that blog too. It does seem like you build quite a following if you develop your commenting skills.
One way that I would like to use a blog with students in my class would be to provide more opportunities to become familiar with cultural elements in the Spanish-speaking world. Getting them to comment appropriately would certainly open up the possibilty for a conversation that many times we don't have in the classroom.
21 agosto 2009
My video on YouTube
I like this video thing!
20 agosto 2009
Thing 10
Now to continue on with Thing 10.
I still haven't gotten a complete video from YouTube downloaded. I keep getting the sound, but not the video. I don't really understand why this happening. PWN didn't work at all for me. Well, I'll keep trying this one.
I chose this video for my blog because I want to learn how to play La Bamba on the guitar. This video had some other features that others did not, but there were a lot of them. The number of instructional videos out there is really amazing.
Well, I'm saying that I'm done with this Thing, but I'll be working on the download.
Thing 9
I came across one video (that is now a favorite) called Psychological Spanish Language Game. It was really interesting in regard to my classroom. He talked about the common mistakes made by non-native speakers and how they happen. I left a comment, but he does say in the video not to comment so he may delete it. I didn't give anything away which I think is what he was afraid of. I also rated this video as AWESOME. Maybe it wasn't so awesome, but I was so excited to using YouTube. I also rated some other videos, but I couldn't rate my own video:(
YouTube is blocked at my school, so working with this could be challenging. I think if there is some specific reason you need to use clips, you can request the block to be taken off but I'm not sure about that.
Well, this was fun. On to more Things and hopefully I'll finish by next week.
19 agosto 2009
Thing 8
I need some practice with saving these things because I am saving them, but then having some trouble finding them. Not sure??
04 agosto 2009
Thing 7 cont.
Thing 7
I like that I'm having success with all the setting up of accounts, but it is getting a little confusing. I feel like I already have accounts all over the internet and with somethings on Google and others on Yahoo and some in other places I feel like I need a place online to organize all of my account, IDs, passwords, etc. My system at this point is not effective.
I think Flickr would be great in a foreign language classroom because I could use it for presentations. I'm not sure at this point if it would be a tool for organizing a presentation or if I can just make a presentation on it. I will be looking into that. I also think it is a tool to allow students to search for specific images I post or that others post. I think images can be used for students to study and then comment on cultural aspects that we have discussed in class. This is also a place that students could use to post images they have that relevance to our class. I don't know how interactive Flickr can be, but it would neat if students could make comments about images as a way of identifying them. I saw the mapping piece of Flickr and would like to use this as well as a way of organizing information for students.
I have taken pictures in many Spanish-speaking countries and it would be great to allow my students to use my images in their work. I think Flickr could be used in this capacity if students were creating projects specific to countries I visited. I also think it could be a way to students just to know a little more about me and interests that I have.
I saw that many people have brought up the issue of copyrights and this is a concern that I have for my students and myself. I spoke with our media specialist last year about providing some type of professional development on the issue. I feel like I need some direction on this when using material from online sources. I also have some concerns about the divide between my professional life and my personal life. I know that Flickr allows the option of choosing public or private when posting an image, but I never feel entirely confident in these settings. Not that I would post any photo that is questionable, but it is a concern I have whenever I go online. I also wonder about issues of posting photos of my classes for classroom use and using these settings.
Thing 6
This photo was taken in San Luis Potosi and I decided to choose this photo because the colors of the feathers made me think of many things in Mexico. It reminded me of the colors that may be seen in a market, colors that can be seen on costumes during fiesta days, or even just the colors that can be seen on handicrafts in Mexico. Of course, this photo is in the Creative Commons license so it was ok to use. There were A LOT of photos I came across that were amazing when I just 'explored', but all of them had rights reserved.
I thought the comments that followed this picture were very interesting because so many people were commenting on the colors and posting different pictures that captured the color spectrum or color composition. There were a lot of posts on the right side of the picture on Flickr that had a scrolling option and I don't understand how this feature works yet, but it looked interesting.
I have began using digital format for my pictures (like most people) and really like all the features that online organizers offer. I have some pictures on Picture Organizer, but then I got Picasa and I use that now. I recently posted an album from Picasa onto Google. Is the Google option similar to Flickr?? I recognized the term 'tag' from Facebook, but it seems that in Flickr you use this feature as part of the filing. I would like to practice with this feature because I take many pictures on trips and always want to label them for future use, but it can be an overwhelming process and maybe the 'tag' option on Flickr would be easier. Last year I took pictures from a trip and made a real photo album online using Snapfish. I love the book and would like to find some other services that have this. It looks like Flickr can do this too.
Well, I'm going to continue doing my Things.
08 julio 2009
Thing 5
The RSS does seem like it will be handy for keeping track of sites and blogs I look at in my personal life and for my professional development and use. I plan to take a few days to simply monitor the few sites I have subscribed to and continue looking for other blogs that might be of interest to me or to others.
Thing 4
RSS does seem like it can help in managing the information that can be coming into the blogs I will monitor and participate with, but I feel like it will be almost impossible to keep up with even one or two blogs. Are there filters for identifying posts that might be of the most interest to me? That is something I am going to look for Bloglines and on GoogleReader. Of course just being able to monitor blogs of interest in one place does seem like it can save a lot of time.
I still am having a difficult time defining what my blog will be for me.
Thing 3
I can see using a blog to present images from Spanish-speaking countries to my students for their comments on cultural points. I also think a blog would allow for journaling opportunities for my students. I could also use the blog to continue dialogue with students on classwork outside of the classroom. These are just a few things I've thought of so far. I have also seen a lot of comments about using the blog for some basic classroom needs like homework, communication with parents, and due dates. I don't see me using it in this capacity so much because our grading/attendance program has many functions for classroom needs.
I've put some things on my blog to play around with some functions and it is fun! So as I continue through this I hope to try out some other functions.
04 julio 2009
Thing 1 and Thing 2
My goal here is not only learn how to use a blog, but to also generate some ideas to actually utilize it in my classroom. After watching the video and reading the article I've become interested in learning how to utilize wikis and podcasts in my classroom too. As I stated in my post after Thing 1 and 2, I really am not comfortable with technology at this point and I have very few ideas on how to incorporate technology into my classroom, but I am excited to learn.
After watching the video and reading the article in Thing 1, I began thinking about how exciting a working environment could be in my school. I have to admit though, that after the excitement came thoughts of all the reasons why I might not see this perfect world in my school. There clearly has to be a staff and administration interested in increasing technology use for students and themselves. We also need some serious support. But, I'm not going to let those thoughts hold me back at this point.
I have to say I am NOT comfortable writing on a blog with the thought that anyone can read it. I I guess I'm still not comfortable with even having a Facebook page and that is only for friends. I think this experience will certainly help me gap the bridge between my students openness with the world and my preference to not be 'out there'.
One question about writing on the blog, how do you get characters needed for foreign language?? If I intend to utilize this in my classroom, I will need to be able to write using accent marks, upside down exclamation and question marks.
Ready to start Thing 3.
01 julio 2009
Late Start
This is a practice blog for 23 Things. I hope to learn how to develop and manage a blog.