26 agosto 2009

Thing 14

Username: neddamful

I enjoyed using Delicious and I have several bookmarks to date and I know I will be back on it soon. It's a great way to save time with searches using this online source. I think it will be really helpful to me in organizing my online sources. The use of the tags is great! I'm really getting used to using the tags and that I think is really important for managing the source once it is added. I certainly want to use tags that can take me to specific websites for student activities.

I do think that Delicious will enhance productivity, however it is has so much to view and consider that I will have to monitor how much time I spend searching and how I can refine my search methods.

I did have some problems bookmarking on Delicious. I was able to copy/paste URL in order to save and I was able to save bookmarks from Delicious search results. I was not able to save bookmarks using the Tag button on the tool bar I installed when I registered. I do want to use the Tag button so if you have any suggestions on what the problem/solution could be I would appreciate it:)

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